In life many decisions are ours to make, but when it comes to which lenses we need, unfortunately that’s out of our hands. However, it is still reassuring to understand what your optometrist is talking about during your visits, starting with your lenses.

  • Single Vision

Single vision lenses are one of the most common types of lenses you will encounter when dealing with prescription glasses. As its name suggests this lens has a single field of version ideal for correcting either nearsightedness also known as myopia or farsightedness known as hyperopia.

  • Bifocals

Bifocals are the best of both worlds, where single vision lenses correct either near or farsightedness, due to bifocals having two corrective sections they are able to do both. This allows them to help with a wider range of more severe vision disorders.

  • Trifocals

By now you may have guessed it, trifocals have a third region for those needing intermediate vision correction. Trifocals are predominantly used by people with advanced presbyopia.

  • Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses are the 2.0 of bifocals and trifocals, by that we mean they accomplish the same job as the bifocals and trifocals, while providing a better experience for the wearer.

By allowing seamless transitions between the viewing areas, there is no visible line in the lenses unlike the bifocals and trifocals.

  • Screen Or Computer Lenses / Photochromic

We have included computer lenses to this list as although they are technically not a “prescription lens” with our electronic devices becoming part of us these days, we believe they are as important as the rest. Computer or photochromic lenses are able to filter out the blue light emitted by our computers or smart phones, greatly decreasing headaches and eye strains.